User: jMyles

  • Created: 4836 days ago
  • Karma: 7233
  • Justin Myles Holmes /

    I love people, including you.

    I play original bluegrass and traditional music - sometimes along with tech talks and live coding - at technology conferences.

    My professional focus (and thus, the lyrical and other content I create) is mostly on threshold crytography, media publishing and hosting, home automation and off-grid life, VR/AR, gaming, homeschooling, and free range parenting.

    I contribute to several open source projects.

    On a hobby-but-with-some-rigor level, I sometimes study quantum mechanics, epidemiology, aviation / ATC, neurochemistry, amateur radio, urban planning, culinary arts, and hymnology. I also enjoy learning new instruments (currently working on mandolin).

    Some of you have hung out on my school bus - I love having guests. :-)

    My basic belief: Peace and justice in the world are not only conceptually attainable, but inevitable by dint of the evolution of the internet. I pray for compassion and understanding in these transitional times.

    My new record, Vowel Sounds: