• jjallen31 minutes ago
    Just FYI I do want to support this. Rather what I would support is being able to order physical flash cards with my selection of n&lt;=~10 language of translations.<p>I think this would work better than this. I would totally pay for this tomorrow (not sure how much). Maybe $5 per language?<p>With this interface and it showing the translations to you it&#x27;s not conducive to recall, which is the process by which we tell our brains to connect&#x2F;build more neurons for this particular datum.
  • jjallen2 hours ago
    I got &quot;translation failed&quot; for all three languages for &quot;how are you&quot;. Not a great sign&#x2F;start.
    • wiseowise42 minutes ago
      It failed on “World” for me.
  • adampzakaria4 days ago
    The translations and text to speech are from google APIs. One commenter on reddit suggested that GPT4o may be better. Also, a lot of commenters saying the phrasing and formality levels are poor on the current translations.
  • rantouan2 hours ago
    voting up because I don&#x27;t care if the API may be down, it&#x27;s the idea that matters and the idea is good ! Keep working on it